If you're considering opening a credit card for rewards, steer clear of AMEX. Recently, they've been offering a lot of reward points, but that's likely because their system and policies are problematic. I opened a business credit account in July and went on a trip in late August, returning on 09/20. While I was away, AMEX requested financial documents to update my account, giving me only 14 days to submit them. I explained I was out of town until 09/20 and couldn't provide the documents until then. They said they'd review the situation, but later sent an email stating the deadline was 09/17. Now, my card has been canceled after just one month of use, and they've charged me $765 for the annual fees. On top of that, they forced me to use over 200,000 reward points to redeem a useless gift card. It's partly my fault for not reading reviews before applying, but I'd recommend avoiding AMEX altogether.
American Expense- Avoid at all cost
Very Bad