Xfinity-Dump them immediately!



Very Bad

If Xfinity were not the only company in my small midwestern city I would dump them immediately.

I needed to speak to someone about my service and billing. I called the published number. The AI kept circling bak to get me to use their "Chat Assistant" which could not answer my question or connect me to someone who could. 

After 90 minutes I got an "Xfinity Advisor" on chat, named Jerby. After asking my question, which he did not answer, he told me I could get a new plan. I replied that that was not what I contacting them about. He then gave me the same number that I had called in the first place and disconnected the chat. Yes, your "Xfinity Advisor" hung up the chat. It is now more than 2 hours wasted trying to get an answer and explanation. (I saved this chat and printed it. He hung up the chat.)

I then called the number *again* and asked for a call back. 4 hours later, I still had not received a call back. I called again and fought the AI to get connnected to a real person. It took over an hour to get them to even understand my problem. They kept repeating the same script back to me. It was an absurdist nightmare.

Someone tried to call me this morning and left an unintelligible voicemail. I returned the call. It's the same AI voice chat that can't understand anything. When I got to a live person, they could find no record of me being called this morning. They did not who who I should talk to.